
Friday Dec 04, 2015
Bible Study on Acts - Session 38
Friday Dec 04, 2015
Friday Dec 04, 2015
This Bible study was originally LIVE STREAM via YouTube on Wednesday, December 2, 2015, from Florence, SC.

Monday Nov 30, 2015
Live as Children of Light
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Look around at any family gathering and you will no doubt see children acting like their parents. Parents often look at their children with pride as they “see themselves” in their children because children often reflect their parents. In fact each of us reflects what is most important in our hearts. Like the rich man in the Gospel (Luke 18.18-27) our heart can also be cold and greedy and turned away from the love of God. A quick look at news coverage during the Thanksgiving Holiday, and we can see the priorities of many in our society. Shopping malls are filled with angry and sometimes violent shoppers grabbing for that discounted product, while their brothers and sisters are living in the streets with nothing to eat. The world can be a dark and lonely place, and for those lost in the darkness, just a glimpse of light can bring hope for a better tomorrow. As Saint Paul said, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5.8) As Orthodox Christians we have an opportunity to reflect the Light of Christ for those lost in the darkness, and bring hope that there is Way out of the darkness. We have an opportunity to reflect the Light of Christ so others will see the Light and follow the Light to the Church. If we indeed are children of light, then we should reflect our Father’s Light.

Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Bible Study on Acts - Session 37
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
This Bible Study was originally LIVE STREAM via YouTube on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, from Florence, SC.

Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
The Church is filled with them; people who live sinful lives and then arrive Sunday morning acting like angels. It turns many people off from “religion” and even more from attending Church on Sunday mornings. It is common to hear the excuse, “I have no intention of changing my behavior, so instead of being a hypocrite I just stay home.” What if everyone in Church wasn’t a hypocrite but an addict? What if instead of enjoying their sinful lives, people in Church on Sunday morning awoke every day committing to the Lord they would change, but by NOON had already fallen into their old habits? What if everyone were addicted to sin? And then.....what if YOU understood YOU weren’t better than anyone else, and addicted to sin just like everyone else. You could finally be a love your neighbor as yourself.

Monday Nov 09, 2015
We can Live Through the Pain
Monday Nov 09, 2015
Monday Nov 09, 2015
Many ask, “If God doesn’t give us more than we can handle, the why do people starve to death?” This very popular question is based upon a misunderstanding about God’s love. God doesn’t give us struggle. He allows things to run their natural course. God does promise, and the Gospel bears witness, that when we remain united to God in faith and humility, we will always be able to endure the pain and suffering. We will be able to handle anything even death itself if we remain united to God in prayer, faith, humility and peace.

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Bible Study on Acts - Session 36
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
This Bible Study was originally LIVE STREAM via YouTube on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, in Florence, SC.

Monday Nov 02, 2015
We Must Love Others First Before We Can Learn to Love Ourselves
Monday Nov 02, 2015
Monday Nov 02, 2015
You’ve heard it said that you must learn to love yourself before you can love others. I disagree. Loving yourself in only self-love, and rarely leads to loving others. In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazaros, we hear of a man who loved himself so much, he never recognized that the poor man outside his door needed compassion. Even in death the rich man couldn’t pass beyond his love for himself as he called, “Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazaros that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue.” (Luke 16.24) It is only when we love others that we can finally learn to love ourselves as God desires.

Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Bible Study on Acts - Session 35
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
This Bible study was originally LIVE STREAM via YouTube on Wednesday, October 28, 2015, in Florence, SC.

Monday Oct 26, 2015
Don’t Pick the Pigs over the People
Monday Oct 26, 2015
Monday Oct 26, 2015
When Jesus healed the man with legion demons, He used a heard of pigs from the nearby town for the demons to enter. We all remember the story; the pigs went running off the cliff and died. The town folk, not wanting to lose the investment of the pigs, could not bear to see their resources taken away from them, just for some poor demoniac. They were so greedy; they chased Jesus away from their town. Many times, we find ourselves chasing Jesus away by refusing to allow Him to use OUR resources for the ministry of His Church. We would rather see the Church limp along; barely able to keep the doors open than to go without cable television. This story isn’t just about healing a demoniac; it is about stewardship, and whether we pick the pigs over the people.

Monday Oct 19, 2015
Put Your Trust in the Church
Monday Oct 19, 2015
Monday Oct 19, 2015
In a world with more than 43,000 denominations of Christianity, it is ever more crucial that we learn to discern the truth among the many partial truths spoken in the name of Jesus Christ. The Orthodox Christian Church, loyal to the truth as taught by the Holy Apostles, has been the caretaker of the wholeness of the truth for more than 2,000 years. Jesus Christ said, “He who hears you hears Me.” When we hear the voice of the Church, we hear Jesus Christ. If you truly desire to live united to God, then put your trust in the Church.