
Monday Sep 07, 2015
Willing AND Prepared to Enter Heaven
Monday Sep 07, 2015
Monday Sep 07, 2015
When Jesus describes heaven, He uses parables so we can better understand. In the parable of the marriage feast found in Matthew 22.2-14, we find several profound truths in the layers of the story, which teach us not only that we have been invited to enter heaven, but that, how we respond to the Church will absolutely have an impact on whether or not we will find ourselves in, or out, of heaven. If we make excuses, mock and disregard the Church, and reject the invitation of the Church, we will find ourselves not worthy to enter heaven. But even if we accept the invitation, but we attempt to enter heaven without listening to the Church’s teachings and by preparing ourselves, we will also find ourselves on the outside. The Church, as he servants of God, is the key to the gates, and we must be willing AND prepared to enter heaven.

Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Bible Study on Acts - Session 29
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
This Bible Study on Acts original LIVE STREAM on September 2, 2015, in Florence, SC.

Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Sharing Fruit
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
There are many examples in the Gospels where Jesus warns about not bearing fruit, but in the Parable of the Vineyard in Matthew 21.33-42, He teaches about not sharing fruit and what happens to the wicked and greedy stewards when the King returns. The Church is the Vineyard of Christ, and if we refuse to bear fruit, or unwilling to share the Church with others, then we risk the Church being taken away from us and being given to new stewards who will be willing to share the fruit when the time comes. The wicked and greedy stewards were kicked out of the garden. Before we find ourselves on the outside looking in, Jesus has given us another opportunity for repentance. With the beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year starting, it is a perfect opportunity for a fresh start and look forward to sharing our fruit with the world.

Thursday Sep 03, 2015
What Good Thing Must I do to Have Eternal Life
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
It is a question we all ask, but are we really interested in the answer? “What good thing must I do to have eternal life?” These were the words of a rich man, who THOUGHT He wanted to go to heaven. But when he heard what would be required of him, he went away sorrowful. When pushed for an answer, Jesus said, “If you wish to be perfect, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and follow me.” If we cannot bear the idea of living in complete poverty; if we cannot bear the idea of leaving “it all” behind, then we will walk away from God full of sorrow. If we really to follow Jesus into heaven, then we will live the life of the Church, which He established to lead us to heaven. What good thing must you do? Live the life of the Church and you will find your heart with Jesus and you will follow Him into heaven.

Monday Aug 17, 2015
Your Account Has Come Due
Monday Aug 17, 2015
Monday Aug 17, 2015
When Jesus speaks to us about forgiveness, He uses the image of financial debt and the emotional burden of greed that goes along with finances. In the Gospel story of about forgiveness, Jesus offers the parable of a king forgiving a debt that could never have been paid off, but was forgiven. The greedy servant, rather than being thankful for the mercy shown to him by the king, immediately demanded his fellow servant to “either pay up, or go to jail,” even though the debt was a mere 100-days pay. Greed had created a cold heart on the part of the servant, so the king sentenced him to prison. What does this parable have to teach us? Jesus warns, "So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses." (Matthew 18.35) Your account has come due, and Jesus is willing to forgive the debt of your sins. In return, He asks you to open your heart to those who sinned against you, and forgive them, just as He has forgiven you.

Monday Aug 17, 2015
What Good is Prayer and Fasting?
Monday Aug 17, 2015
Monday Aug 17, 2015
I hear it all the time. “I prayed really hard, and STILL God didn’t answer my prayer.” This sense of frustration is common especially during times of serious illness and death of our loved ones. The Gospel tells of just this sense of frustration in the father who had a son so ill that even the Apostles couldn’t heal him, and Jesus said, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
The Power of Love
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
Tuesday Jul 28, 2015
When God asks us to do something, we often respond with doubt because we’re not sure we have what it takes to get the job done. Just as the Disciples believed they didn’t have enough food to feed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and a couple fish, we question whether we have enough to share with others. Our doubt isn’t limited to feeding the hungry; we doubt whether we can afford to donate to the Church, or help the poor. We doubt whether we have enough patience to show those fighting against us that we love them. We even sometimes doubt whether we have enough love, to love. But when the Disciples included God in the plan there was not only enough, but an overabundance of leftovers. The power of love, when we love as God loves, and when we allow the love of God into our hearts, will always provide enough for us to share with others.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Transform Your Fear into Wonder
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
All people, when they encounter God, respond to his acts of love in different ways. Some are afraid to be seen by God, since they know their sins deserve punishment. Others see God’s willingness to forgive with wonder, and take the opportunity for repentance. Sometimes fear can paralyze us into inaction, hiding ourselves from God in the hopes that He will not see us. Adam and Eve tried that! Other times fear can keep us safe from the dangers of the world like train tracks and hot stoves. But fear should never keep us from opening our hearts to God, so that we can learn from His love, and repent. It is only when we transform our fear into wonder that we can confess our sins in the Mystery of Confession with open hearts, be forgiven by God, and grow closer to Him.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
American or Greek Orthodox; What’s in a Name?
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Many people have questions about our Orthodox Christian Faith. Many simply do not remember what they learned in Sunday School. Many are not comfortable asking their questions in public. But ALL of us can benefit from the questions of others. This week’s question is about our name. Why can’t we just say American Orthodox Church instead of Greek Orthodox? Many are confused when the sign on the curb describes us as Greeks or Russians or Romanians, but there is more to the term Greek than just a place for Greeks!

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
American or Greek Orthodox; What’s in a Name?
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Many people have questions about our Orthodox Christian Faith. Many simply do not remember what they learned in Sunday School. Many are not comfortable asking their questions in public. But ALL of us can benefit from the questions of others. This week’s question is about our name. Why can’t we just say American Orthodox Church instead of Greek Orthodox? Many are confused when the sign on the curb describes us as Greeks or Russians or Romanians, but there is more to the term Greek than just a place for Greeks!