
Wednesday May 27, 2015
The Church - Protector and Shepherd
Wednesday May 27, 2015
Wednesday May 27, 2015
Before ascending to His Throne, Jesus commanded the Apostles to remain in Jerusalem to await the Holy Spirit. Before departing for his trial, Saint Paul warned the Church that wolves would come to attack the Church, some even from within. Ever since, we have been waiting for the return of Christ, comforted and shepherded by the Holy Spirit, while protected by His Church. But we cannot be shepherded if we insist on ignoring the Church and wandering away from her wings. The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, protects us from the wolves while leading us to heaven. We must be vigilant against the attack of the wolves, and learn to recognize when someone is teaching against the Church. At those moments we must run to the Church for protection.

Wednesday May 13, 2015
Holy Motherhood
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Mothers’ Day is a day to honor our mothers, those holy women who gave us life. This week’s episode of Be Transfigured in dedicated to honoring Holy Motherhood. Holy Motherhood is different than birds caring for chicks in their nests. Holy Motherhood doesn’t end with mere physical labor. Holy Motherhood includes bringing us to know Jesus Christ. Holy Motherhood teaches us to open our hearts to Him, and allow His warmth and love to heal our hearts and bring us into repentance. Holy Motherhood is what makes us children of God rather than animals.

Tuesday May 05, 2015
Behold The Man
Tuesday May 05, 2015
Tuesday May 05, 2015
Many years before an unknown paralytic was healed by Jesus Christ, God told us through His Prophets that He would provide a Man who would arise from below the horizon to save us. On the Fourth Sunday of Pascha, the Church reminds us, through the Gospel of John that God has always planned to save those of us patient enough to endure until He comes. He came, He died and was buried, but He rose from the dead, and life rules eternally. And now...we can be healed.

Sunday Apr 26, 2015
God Provides What We Lack
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
When it comes to our relationship with God, we each lack something. It may be courage, faith, strength, or any number of obstacles that keep us from encountering God. Just as God provided for the Myrrh-Bearing Women to anoint the Body of Jesus by rolling away the stone, God will provide what we lack so that we can meet Him. The Myrrh-Bearing Women brought spices and were prepared to meet Jesus, and trusted that God would provide what they lacked. When we bring what we have to offer, God will complete what we need and provide what we lack, so that we can go out to meet Him. What do you lack? Have enough courage to bring “to the table” what you are able, and God will provide what you lack so that you can meet Him.

Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
What king do you seek?
Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
Holy Week is a chance to respond to this very important question. Many of the Jews were seeking a military king who would rescue them from the Romans. Many of us seek a king who will force others to believe and act as WE think they should. Christ is not this sort of king. Christ is the King of Peace. He came to walk with us in our battle against sin. He came to walk with us in our struggle. When the Jews realized Jesus was not THEIR sort of king, they turned their back on Him. What will you do when you realize He is not YOUR sort of king? What sort of king do you seek?

Monday Mar 30, 2015
Humility & Repentance
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
On the final Sunday of Great Lent, the Church makes one final plea for us to look into our hearts with Christian humility to see our sinful ways. Saint Mary of Egypt was stopped from venerating the Holy Cross of Christ because of her sinful life. The Disciples were prideful and seeking after honor, when God revealed their hearts. It doesn’t matter who we might be, in our hearts we know how far away from God we really live. Saint Mary of Egypt and the Holy Apostles, after having their hearts revealed, lived a life of total repentance. Only once we have seen our hearts, can we truly repent and live with God in Heaven. If we desire to live with God, it will require humility and repentance – you can’t have one without the other.

Monday Mar 23, 2015
It Begins with Renouncing the World
Monday Mar 23, 2015
Monday Mar 23, 2015
A holy man was asked to write down some advice about how to get to heaven. What resulted was a “book” we now know as “The Ladder of Divine Ascent” and has become a spiritual classic within the Orthodox Church. There are thirty chapters that build the ladder to heaven, but it is the first step that makes all the difference. It begins with renouncing the world.

Monday Mar 16, 2015
Is Our Lenten Struggle Worth It?
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Half-way through Great Lent, we are tired, hungry and a bit grumpy, and the Church encourages us to keep up the struggle if we desire to be with God in Heaven. We are all willing to struggle, sacrifice and work hard for something which we desire. Do you desire to be with God in heaven? The Way of the Christian is the way of the Cross, IF we desire God. Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Mark 8.34) Our Great Lenten struggle isn’t forced upon us by God as punishment, but an offering to help us follow Christ. So, is our Lenten struggle worth it? It is, if you desire to be with God in heaven. It’s your choice.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Do You Love Your Friends Enough?
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
On the Second Sunday of Great Lent we hear of a paralytic who had four friends who loved him enough to not give up trying to get him into the presence of the Grace of God. When Jesus saw THEIR faith, the Gospel says He turned to the paralytic and said, “Your sins are forgiven.” How much do you love your friends? Do you love them enough to never give up trying to bring them to encounter the Grace of God in His Church? Do you love them enough to bring them to Christ in His Church so they can hear the words, “Your sins are forgiven?” The Uncreated Energy of God is present in His Grace in the Holy Sacraments of the Church. If we truly loved our friends enough, our Churches would be filled to capacity with those seeking a real encounter with the Grace of God. Our friends would hear the words, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Monday Mar 02, 2015
Being True to the True Faith
Monday Mar 02, 2015
Monday Mar 02, 2015
On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the first Sunday of Great Lent, the Church proclaims the truth of the Faith. The Church proclaims, “This is the Faith of the Orthodox! This is the Faith of the Apostles! This is the Faith which has established the universe!” What are you doing to be true to the Faith of the Church as revealed by Christ, received and protected by the Holy Apostles, and guided by the Holy Spirit? Are you living as Nathaniel and Philip who went and told their friends about Christ, or are you keeping the truth to yourself?