
Wednesday Oct 15, 2014
It isn’t about Doing More; it’s about Being More
Wednesday Oct 15, 2014
Wednesday Oct 15, 2014
You wake up every morning running at full speed even before getting out of bed because you already know there are more things you need to accomplish today than you have time to finish. But every day you wake up committed to working hard for your family’s needs, and you don’t stop until the moment your head hits the pillow, and the next day begins all over again before you are even finished with today. The sense of exhaustion is real. Just when we are at our most exhausted moment, the Christ calls to us, “Let’s go, there’s more to do.” Just then you beg God, “Please, don’t ask me to do more.”

Wednesday Oct 15, 2014
Desire, Struggle & The Cross
Wednesday Oct 15, 2014
Wednesday Oct 15, 2014
The Christian path to salvation is freely given and must be freely embraced. Jesus said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me.” (Mark 8.34) In this invitation, Jesus grants us the ability to choose to follow Him. For two thousand years, holy men and women have desired Christ, struggled to deny themselves and followed Christ. Orthodox Christianity is a “tried and tested” way of life that will lead us to see God....IF we desire it.

Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
There is Power in the Cross of Christ
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Ever since finding the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in 327 C.E. the Christian world has lifted it high for all to venerate as a sign of victory and power. The Power of the Cross defeated death two thousand years ago, and the Power of the Cross is sufficient for you to defeat your temptations and struggles. All you need is to accept the Power of the Cross into your life, and live a new life in Christ.

Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Don't Allow Pain and Suffering to Distract You from God
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Sometimes the pain of life can seem unbearable. Sometimes you are tempted to dwell upon your pain and suffering rather than the promise of God that you will live forever. The reality is, despite all the pain and suffering in this life, God promised that so long as you keep your focus on Him, you will not only be healed, but will live forever. Are you ready to trust God enough to not allow your pain and suffering to distract you from His promise?

Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
The Forgiveness Challenge
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
Tuesday Aug 26, 2014
It isn’t every day the Lord gives us such a clear description of Judgment Day. In answering the question, “How many times shall I forgive others?” Jesus explains the centrality of forgiveness to our future in heaven. Forgiveness is at the core of our salvation, and we will be held to the same standard with which we are able to forgive others. Are you ready to take The Forgiveness Challenge?

Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
Courage and Hope
Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
The media coverage this week presents us with the opportunity to witness true Christian courage and hope. In the face of struggle and illness, our faith is challenged, sometimes to the extreme. We may even find ourselves at the end of the line. It is at those moments that Jesus reminds us that faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to move mountains. It will be enough to get you through the struggles your face.

Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
What do the Fathers say about mental illness?
Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
In the final episode of our special questions and answers summer sermon series, we have attempted to share with you a brief introduction to how the Church Fathers may be able to guide us in understanding, or at least coping with, mental illness. Taken from the perspective of science as informer to the Church in terms of how we understand the human brain, the Fathers offer us the vantage point of understanding our original state, namely that humans were created in the image and likeness o God. In the case of mental illness as “not the normal” we may better understand the affect of sin on the human soul and mind, and work toward healing which is only possible in Christ.

Monday Aug 04, 2014
Questions and Answers: Wedding Rings and the Meaning of Marriage
Monday Aug 04, 2014
Monday Aug 04, 2014
Did you know there was a reason why the Priest placed your wedding ring on your right hand? Are you one of the many who have changed your ring to your left hand to “fit in” to our American society? In this week’s episode of Be Transfigured! we will answer the question, “Why do Orthodox Christians wear their weddings on their right hand?” You may be inspired to change it back...if you have the courage.

Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
How Should I Prepare for Holy Communion?
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
As a continuation to our “New Priest – New Gospel” question and answer session, this episode of Be Transfigured! focuses on our preparation for Holy Communion. How should we fast? How often should we attend Holy Confession? This episode will outline, based upon the Canonical Tradition of the Holy Orthodox Church, a better understanding about the connection (or lack of connection) between Holy Confession and Fasting as they both relate to Holy Communion.

Monday Jun 16, 2014
Why do different Priests do and say different things?
Monday Jun 16, 2014
Monday Jun 16, 2014
When a new or visiting Priest arrives, it sometimes seems as if he is changing the rules. Why do different Priests do and say different things? PLUS a bonus question at the end....