
Monday Feb 17, 2014
When Things Get Out of Control
Monday Feb 17, 2014
Monday Feb 17, 2014
If you are reading this, you might have something in your life that you think might be out of control. We all have something, so don’t panic. Don’t think you’re alone. But, if you have come to the point in your life, when you realized that something had to change, now is your chance. God is waiting for you to turn yourself around and return to Him and His way of life in His Church. He is waiting to restore you to your original glory. What are you waiting for?

Saturday Feb 08, 2014
NOW I Can Die in Peace
Saturday Feb 08, 2014
Saturday Feb 08, 2014
We all desire peace in our lives, and we all have something which creates great longing in our heart. Once we achieve that peace, we feel content and even complete. The peace we are longing for is found in Christ and His Church. We only need to allow ourselves to see Christ and allow Him into our heart.

Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Jesus is Coming to YOUR House!
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Surprise! Yep, Jesus called, and He’s coming to stay at YOUR house tonight. Are you ready? The Church has what you need to get your heart ready to meet the Lord. All you need to do, is come to the Church, and follow the way of life established by Jesus and His Holy Apostles.

Saturday Jan 25, 2014
There is Healing in God’s Church
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
In a society based upon individualism, many have forgotten what Church really means in our life. When we need healing, God sends us to His Church, not for some dead ritual, but to participate in the Community of Faith known as the Church.

Saturday Jan 18, 2014
What do you think about the Church?
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
When Jesus began His public ministry with the words, “Repent; for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” He was commanding us to change the way we look at life. He was asking us to change the way we think of Church? Many think the Church is just another place we gather to pray to God, but it is much more than that.

Friday Dec 20, 2013
God’s Guest List
Friday Dec 20, 2013
Friday Dec 20, 2013
There is a great banquet coming and you have been invited. Will you make excuses as did those in the Gospel of Luke, or will you answer the invitation and enter into the banquet. The Banquet is the Church and Heaven. The Divine Liturgy is the taste of what is to come in Heaven. Are you prepared to enjoy the Feast of Heaven or is your soul dirty and filled with sin? Don’t find yourself on the outside of Heaven wondering who all the strangers are on the inside. Prepare yourself and come to the banquet. And while you’re at it….bring a friend.

Sunday Dec 15, 2013
Stop Being a Hypocrite!
Sunday Dec 15, 2013
Sunday Dec 15, 2013
The religious “elite” couldn’t tolerate that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, even though they regularly broke the Sabbath by watering their animals. Their obedience to the Law, something which should have been a blessing, became their condemnation because their hearts were not in their actions. They obeyed the Law, while not knowing the purpose of the Law. The same can happen to YOU as you struggle to be a “good Christian” and obey the laws of Christianity. Don’t fall into the trap of judging your brothers and sisters. That’s what the hypocrites do. Stop being a hypocrite!

Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Help us reach others for Christ
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Your safe online donation will assist us in brining Be Transfigured! Live a New Life in Christ to others in need of encouragement and hope. Visit our website at http://www.papaharos.blogspot.com and make your safe online contribution TODAY!

Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Don’t Be a Fool!
Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
No matter how ordinary our life might be, nobody likes being called a fool. In fact, we would consider it an insult from any of the most important people of society. So, when Jesus calls a certain rich man FOOL in Luke 12.13-34, it causes one to reflect. Are you a fool from the Lord’s point of view? What made the rich man a fool was focusing his attention on hording his wealth (characterized by a great harvest) rather than using the harvest for others. The worldly logic is foolish. Don’t be a fool!

Friday Nov 15, 2013
Stop Trying to Justify Yourself; Just Love Your Neighbor
Friday Nov 15, 2013
Friday Nov 15, 2013
In the Gospel of Luke, during a conversation about eternal life, Jesus tells of a certain lawyer who desired “to justify himself” by asking, “And who is my neighbor?” In His response, Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and challenged the lawyer to “Go and do likewise.” Many times, we get into a state of mind where we are so proud of our achievements, that we forget our neighbor. Many times, we are so interested in justifying ourselves (and normally our dysfunctional living) that we prop ourselves up as “leaders of society” while forgetting that many around us are suffering and hungry. Let’s stop trying to justify ourselves, and remember the Good Samaritan and “Go and Do Likewise.”