
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
We Cannot Play Hide-and-Seek with God
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
“The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.” (Matthew 18.23) In any moment on any day the Lord is going to return and settle accounts with us. Will we be ready for Him, or still trying to hide our hearts from His all-seeing eyes? If we do not find a way to forgive even the smallest sin against us, the Lord will hand us over to be tortured for all eternity. Don’t waste another day! Call someone today and settle your accounts before the Lord calls out, “Ready or not here I come.”

Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Faithless or Just Self-Centered; The Call to Deeper Faith
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sometimes we ask and do not receive from God. Is it because we have no faith or because, as Saint James says, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” (James 4.2) Jesus teaches certain challenges of life will only be defeated through prayer and fasting so that we can come to a deeper faith that everything doesn’t revolve around our desires but being in communion with God.

Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Obedience to God Requires Faith and Courage
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
When Christ’s sent His Disciples ahead in a boat to wait for Him, their obedience was tested by a great storm. Our faith in God is being tested today with an economic storm like few of us have ever seen before. Will we take that step into the water like Saint Peter and trust Christ enough to save us? Now is our chance to display a bit of courage and faith in Jesus Christ and be obedient to His call for our lives to be dedicated first and foremost to Him.

Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Get Out of God’s Way and Let Him Work
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Just when you think you don’t have enough faith to follow God’s will for you in your life, He calls you to an even higher standard by telling you to sit down. It was only when the Apostles stepped aside that the Lord was able to work and feed thousands of men, women and children with a mere five loaves of bread and two fish. Why not take the Lord up on His offer by stepping aside and allowing Him to bless you.

Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Believe the Unbelievable!
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
With the many stories in the Holy Scriptures that seem unbelievable on the surface, it is a continual challenge for us to accept that God will accomplish what He promises. When Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, doubted the word of the Archangel Gabriel he was made dumb and speechless until he obeyed God’s command by naming his son John. God has made a promise to do wonderful things for our salvation if we are willing to believe Him. We need only believe what might seem unbelievable for the glory of God.

Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Loyalty to Our Heavenly Father
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Each summer during June families throughout America honor their fathers with cookouts and special gifts. Have you ever wondered what our Heavenly Father would like for Father’s Day? As we read in the Gospel of Matthew 4.18-23, as Jesus called His first disciples, He invites us to show our loyalty to Him and make time for Him. In exchange for our loyalty, He will heal us from all illness and sickness. All our Heavenly Father desires for us is to be saved and healed. Happy Father’s Day.

Sunday Jun 10, 2012
Why Are You in Church?
Sunday Jun 10, 2012
Sunday Jun 10, 2012
Countless men and women over the centuries have defended the Truth of Orthodox Christianity sometimes offering their blood in martyrdom. Why would someone stand up with such boldness? Why Orthodoxy and not some other Church? Why are you a member of the Orthodox Church and not some other Church? Have you ever considered these questions? You might be surprised to discover that countless Saints over the centuries have chosen the life of spiritual discipline over earthly comfort and have been honored for their choice.

Sunday Jun 03, 2012
Spiritual Dehydration
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
When our bodies are thirsty the only true quencher is water, and when our souls are thirsty for God the only true quencher is to come to Jesus Christ and live in communion with Him. On Pentecost He sent the Holy Spirit to guide the Church into all Truth and become a river of living water in our hearts. The only problem is, too often we think we know better than the Church and attempt to quench our thirst for God with other things such as food and drugs. The problem is, too often we are spiritually dehydrated.

Monday May 28, 2012
Knowing God
Monday May 28, 2012
Monday May 28, 2012
During the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus before His Saving Passion He taught that having eternal life was to know God. Knowledge of God requires more than studying about Him in the Holy Scriptures. Knowing God requires a physical relationship with Him only available in the Eucharist. The Holy Fathers of the Church have been given the authority by the Holy Spirit to shepherd the Church, and therefore us, to a personal experiential knowledge of God. Now it’s up to us to be their flock.

Sunday May 13, 2012
Honoring our Heavenly Mother
Sunday May 13, 2012
Sunday May 13, 2012
We each have a common mother in the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary. On Mothers’ Day we honor our earthly mothers with flowers, luncheons and honors. When we want to honor our Heavenly Mother, we are called to obedience to Jesus Christ Who calls us to a life of love for each other spreading the message of hope in His Gospel.